martes, 17 de abril de 2007


A measure of the more preferred state of affairs; the commodity that the control system tends to optimise. The eudemony concern is one of values, of stating what is worth optimising; in short, eudemony is a category of outcomes that indicate we are enhancing the quality of life.
Stafford Beer, Platform for Change, p. 159 Principia Cybernetica Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and Systems.

Algedonic Meter

The algedonic meter is.. an attempt to provide a metric for Aristotle's eudemony, or 'state of general well being.' It is a simple analogue device, with interleaved segments in different colours. Thus to turn the central knob changes the proportion of the 'happy/unhappy' display - and also the electrical input to the circle of which this meter is a member.
Someone holding an algedonic meter sets the display by moving the pointer anywhere on a continuous scale between total disquiet and total satisfaction. She/he does not have to explain anything - only to respond algedonically, which people may be observed to do all the time.”
Stafford Beer .


The principle of subsidiarity states, “decisions will be taken at the lowest appropriate level”. It holds that that the 'higher' levels of organisations are subsidiary to the smaller, embedded, levels and should be at their service rather than the reverse.

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